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Do You Have a Personal Brand Masterplan?

It could be the difference between success and greater success.

Defining, developing and building your personal brand foundation is the very unsexy part of the whole personal branding process. But if you skip this part you are running the risk of building a very weak base. So weak that you may start to adversely damage your brand.  You NEED a masterplan.

Define your values. You have probably heard it a hundred times, but it still amazes me how many people still choose to ignore this very basic but incredibly important advice.

Former hockey player Greg Sutch recalls a great example of the importance of values – Five years ago, I was in Los Angeles in a room with NHLers John Tavares, Cam Fowler, and Adam Larsson. In a seminar conducted by former actor and leadership consultant, Steve Shenbaum, we were asked to write down five things we valued. The trick? We weren’t allowed to write hockey, family or friends. After 20 minutes, I had nothing on my paper. It was something so simple, yet so alarming. I couldn’t think of one thing I valued aside from the obvious. That day I vowed to grow myself as a person and value more than just the obvious. Fortunately, that’s what helped me move on from the game because I knew I was more than just a hockey player.

Shenbaum called these five values “your coins” and told us to always carry them with us. He told us not to talk solely about hockey when meeting people because it was our values that made us special.”

Read the full article by clicking here. 

An exercise for determining, ranking and living your values is included in the Personal Brand Masterplan a new program that I have just launched, more details to come.  In the meantime you can access the EvalYOUation exercise separately here.

Have a brandtastic day

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