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Know More About Your LinkedIn Connections Personality

One of the challenges with communications in today’s hyper connected world is that much of it is not done by actually talking to someone and rarely face to face. Many initial exchanges are done via email or text and we do not even know the person, let alone have met them.

This ‘lack of connection’ when connecting can mean we often are guessing about the person we are communicating with. This can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretation of what was said or implied.


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This ‘lack of connection’ when connecting can mean we often are guessing about the person we are communicating with.



If you are reaching out to someone on a platform like LinkedIn for the first time, this could lead to a relationship not even forming.

To help alleviate that there is an app called Crystal that generates personality insights for your contacts so you can write better emails, run better meetings, and improve your working relationships.

The app is based on the DISC assessment which you can take first on their site and then download the app to have it working in your email – access Crystal by clicking here.

You can use Crystal to analyze and detect someone’s DISC profile from any resume, social media profile, or text sample. One really useful part of Crystal when it comes to LinkedIn is that you can gain some insights into a connection or potential connection from their profile.

I have found the app uncannily accurate and would love to hear what you think. Comment below or send me an email.

This post is part of a series looking at useful apps that can help you in your use of Linkedin.

NOTE: LinkedIn have been addressing the use of certain data scraping tools and updated their terms and conditions recently including this statement under LinkedIn Dont’s;

Develop or support software, devices, scripts, robots or any other means or processes to scrape our Services or otherwise copy profiles and other data from our Services.

Certain plugins and extensions may violate LinkedIn’s terms and conditions of use. As such you should always check if the tool you are going to use adheres to their policy. Read full policies by clicking here – LinkedIn User Agreement


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