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LinkedIn Wants to Send You More E-mails

One reason professionals choose not to get involved with LinkedIn is that they feel they get bombarded with e-mails. Apparently there are over 25 different settings to determine how LinkedIn can send e-mails to you so I know it may be hard to believe but LinkedIn really does only want to send you e-mails that you want. We all say we want to get less, both from them and everywhere else!

They have listened and changes made so far have reduced e-mails by 50% and complaints by 65%. They also just announced on their official blog that they will be soon launching an add on to their system called Air Traffic Controller.  This will help you custom even more the Volume, Frequency and Quality of communication from them and your connections. You can read all about it here – Sending E-mail Is Just The Beginning.

In the meantime there is a work around to help you do a lot of this;

1. Open up your LinkedIn profile.
2. Point your mouse to your small thumbnail photo at the top right of the page.
3. A drop down menu will appear and you should click on the 5th one down “Privacy & Settings”
4. You may have to re-login to the system.
5. There are four tabs toward the middle of the page. Click on “Communications”
6. Click on any of the links to change e-mail settings for various types of communication.
7. Also go to the “Groups, Companies & Applications” tab and there are several links there to manage email frequency and type too.

This should help you manage your in box better and also make sure you maintain activity and presence on the network.

If you have any questions about LinkedIn just hit reply and ask away. I will find the answer for you and maybe even use it in an upcoming tip.

Continue to b-linked,

P.S. If you happened upon this tip from a connection sharing it or on social media and would like to be kept up to date with future tips and tools for LinkedIn sign up by clicking here. You will also receive our popular“5 Steps to Increasing Your Presence” report which covers 5 of the key 22 branding actions every professional needs to take with their LinkedIn profile to increase opportunities coming to you by up to 40 times. 

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