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Are you offering the unexpected?

It has often been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  For me, growing up, my Dad always ensured we walked out of the door to school with full stomachs after a 3 course breakfast! It is certainly one of the meals I always like preparing for company, or when the kids have friends for sleepovers. On occasion we will have breakfast out. And I do… Read More »Are you offering the unexpected?

Food Brand Alphabet Quiz

The majority of quizzes and surveys on social media I ignore or even go to the trouble of blocking or deleting. But once in a while one comes along that appeal to my brand mind. This one seeing if you can identify the food packaging from just one letter was fun. I only scored 14/26. Do you think you can do better? Post your score in the comments below! Here is… Read More »Food Brand Alphabet Quiz

Who would you pay to come to lunch with you?

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Last week someone bid $2.6 million for charity to have lunch with Warren Buffett – now that really does place value on someone's personal brand and expertise! My Dad always said there was no such thing as a fr^e lunch and when you are meeting someone for lunch for business you need to make sure that you treat it like any other business meeting. Define the objectives and goals for… Read More »Who would you pay to come to lunch with you?