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harvard business review

Lost touch? – how to get your networking started again

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One of the most common pitfalls I see with networking is not doing it. So often I will be sitting down with a client and talking about who they know and a guilty look comes over their face; "Oh I haven't been in touch with that person for ages." or "The last time I spoke to them was when I was job hunting the last time." or "We used to work side by side… Read More »Lost touch? – how to get your networking started again

Don’t get a mentor in 2011

Interesting alternative perspective from Priscilla Claman in the Harvard Business Review – rather than find mentors, which many people attribute to career success, make the extra effort and find a personal board of directors. This is certainly going to take more effort and organization on your side, but perhaps being able to choose a group of people for varying reasons, skills and experience might help you more – see the… Read More »Don’t get a mentor in 2011

Are you a giver or a grabber?

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  The usual response to the question of "Are you a giver or a grabber?" is you would hope to be labelled a giver. But according to Craig Parkes a professor in Washington State University's Department of Psychology if you are not asking for much in return then you might be damaging your personal brand more than enhancing it. In his Harvard Business Review article 'Your Most Helpful Colleague (Don't… Read More »Are you a giver or a grabber?

How important is your charisma to your personal brand?

  According to a recent study at MIT perhaps more than we might think in the connected virtual world we live in. They found that it's possible to predict which executives will win a business competition solely on the basis of the social signals they send. Are you someone that prefers to meet people face to face than do all of your dealings by phone and/or virtually? Previously you might… Read More »How important is your charisma to your personal brand?