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What’s your next job in the tech sector?

In some areas of products and services the technology sector is booming, in others it is going…..going….gone – FAST. I have attended a couple of local events recently that highlighted a very innovative and growing tech hub in the Hamilton area – there is a new smartphone app from Snap Pay for example that enables anyone to take credit card payments in seconds . One presentation from Pipeline Studios (a… Read More »What’s your next job in the tech sector?

Is your career facing a Kodak moment?

No doubt the business school case studies in years to come about the sad demise of Kodak and it's brand will raise many questions about the effectiveness of it's leaders.  The filing of Chapter 11 bankruptcy by Kodak this week has many lessons for all businesses, but what can you learn from this and be sure that you are not facing the same in your career? 1. Don't underestimate the… Read More »Is your career facing a Kodak moment?