Are you doing enough to stand out from the crowd in your exchanges with people?
In a meeting most of us will present business cards, perhaps even give someone a promotional item with our company logo on and if its something a little more formal or special perhaps even a gift.
But does any of this refelct your personal brand?
Certainly in the work that I do with executive and professional women we always look at the various aspects of their brand environment, and that includes business materials, logo, colours and fonts. But many women like to add a personal touch and this is a great opportunity to really make your brand memorable.
The former Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien, gave out personal golf balls – he loved the sport (although did get mixed up in a local buisness deal with a golf club that was questioned – not so good for the personal brand!), but there was always a suggestion that the golf ball was also a touch of his elitist nature.
Stephen Harper the current PM however chooses to be more 'on brand'. He certainly portrays the family man persona and is a known fan of hockey (even sneaking out from official engagements to catch the latest scores or even a game or two!), rumour is he is writing a book on the sport.
So in his meetings he gives out hockey pucks – very on brand for him and very on brand for Canada.