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A little bird told me………7 steps to using Twitter – part 2

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If you missed the first 3 steps they were on the blog yesterday.

4. I monitor my tweets and others using Hootsuite and also use that to check new profiles or do word searches etc. or anything else to do with Twitter. Then I Tweet as something strikes me or occurs to me that is worthy of 140 characters or if I see a tweet that warrants a comment or reply or Retweet.

5. MOST IMPORTANT – because Twitter is mostly immediate and in the moment I do not get hung up about going back over the last few hours or days tweets to see what I missed, that is the real danger of the time suck etc.

6. Twitterquette – make sure you do have a track on your Twitter name so that anytime someone mentions you that you respond and add value to to the Twitterverse. You can even have applications send you e-mails everytime someone mentions your name – okay if you are not too popular but not advisable if you have a lot of activity.

7. Do not go in to using Twitter trying to see what return there is going to be monetarily but think of it as part of building your personal brand. Be sure you have a goal in mind with regards to Twitter, some themes to follow and be known for and also have some fun!

How are you using Twitter for your business or career? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.


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