I was meeting with a client this morning to specifically spend some time building their on line brand (one way was to raise their Google score – which we were able to do even by the end of 3 hours!). Being the first person globally to be certified in on line identity its starting to become a significant part of the personal brand work I am getting asked to do.
Just by chance in todays National Post (one of Canada's leading national newspapers) there was an article I was quoted in about building your on line career brand. What was even more incredible was that the person sitting behind me had just been reading the article and was thinking they wanted to get in touch – and they found me right then!
The article also mentioned my e-book – Google ME! – how to build your on line personal brand in 10 easy action steps, which is starting to generate a lot of interest as people realise that part of their personal brand building has to take place virtually.
… and imagine my surprise to see us both in the same article.
A true pleasure.
Thanks Mitch, small world in the digital age!