Marcus Buckingham was first up for the day I recently spent at The Art of Management in Toronto and an excellent choice to kick off the event. I have seen him present before and he is a master story teller, using a mix of research, insight and English humour.
Here are some main points:
Ask yourself – how often do you;
- do things you really like to do?
- feel positive anticipation before you start your day?
- get so involved you lose track of time?
- feel invigorated at the end of a long busy day?
- are on an emotional high in your life?
The culture of a company varies hugely on the person you directly report to, there are hundreds of cultures in a company so are you surrounding yourself with like valued people?
At work do you have the opportunity to do what you are best at, every day?
Depressed people are the most accurate at defining their own strengths and weaknesses – it's called depressive realism.
Put your own oxygen mask on first.
"Your strengths are your area of opportunity for growth. Weaknesses are areas of least opportunity. You might have to deal with them but don't mis-label them as an area of opportunity."