Have you managed to really make a thorough review of your year and approached it with no fear? Make sure that you put some time aside before the normal onslaught of demands hit you in early 2011 and there is less time for you.
As you finally conclude your review of this year and be really complete with it you need to ensure that you put any regrets, unfinished conversations or incomplete thoughts or actions – even if they cannot be finished this year or perhaps ever, it is critical that you start 2011 looking forward not looking back to 2010 and what might have been.
My word for this year was “Health” and I had chosen that as a word relatively early on in my thinking about the year. As I continued to do the review process that word stayed strong in my mind and resonated more and more, because with good health many of the other things I want to accomplish are more possible versus challenges offered if that is not the case.
The word “Health” is going to be also my word for 2011, not just for me personally but also for everyone I come in to contact with and work with, healthy mind, body and spirit and ultimately healthy personal brands.
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2011.
With just a few hours remaining in the year, it is still not to late to sign up for the free "Review Your Year With No Fear" program, just e-mail me directly paul @ charlesb32.sg-host.com and I will send you all the questions that are needed to complete a thorough review of your year so that you can enter 2011 looking forward. Then Lesson 4 will also hit your in box early in the new year with some thoughts and steps to take to kick off 2011 the right way (maybe after recovering from a hangover or two!) and let you know all the details about a unique 3 month coaching program I am launching "Making 2011 Your Best Year Ever".
I hope you decide to at least let me help you review 2010.
i like to read your posts. thanks for this one.