I did set myself a few resolutions and goals at the start of the year, well actually I had already determined some of them before December 31st.
One key this year for me was to become more organized, even though many people would perceive that this is one of my strengths, I was finding more and more toward the end of 2006 that I was dropping the ball on projects, or not getting back to people, or just plain forgetting (that’s old age!) – in personal branding speak it really was off brand for me and not making me feel good. Even my office was starting to be a place that I was not looking forward to going to each day – my brand environment was not congruent with my personal brand and how I wanted to feel.
I took two key steps:
The first was to redecorate and reorganize my office. All the furniture was moved, walls painted, pictures hung, technology reconfigured, it was quite a task – but now I feel really good about my work space again.
The second was to put in to place a system that helped me keep the space how I now liked it BUT also to keep track of all the ‘balls’ that were flying around in my head and on my desk!
I picked up the book “Getting Things Done” by David Allen and have implemented almost all of his recommendations and systems. I have tried various other ‘programs’ in the past but have never found something that I could stick with – perhaps this is the one.
Already I feel more clear and in control than for a long time, my email in box is regularly empty, I have dozens of projects on the go but have next actions planned for each one and I am tracking work and responding to ‘emergencies’ as they happen in a more logical and structured way that makes sense to me at that point in time.
I’ll let you know how I am doing in February!
I missed your Apprentice comments since it premiered on Sunday! 🙂