I have written a number of posts recently about Facebook and it certainly seems to be a hot topic amongst the personal branders out there and beyond. Like my friend and personal brand associate Jason Alba of Jibber Jobber and author of "I'm on Linked In – Now What?", who is starting on his second book "I'm on Facebook – Now What?" – he is looking for contributions so if you have a story get in touch.
This past week saw the power of the Facebook user (today's personal brand builder) bite back against the slow commercialization of Facebook. One of the applications they were adding was letting your friends know what you had been buying on line – kind of like an unprompted recommendation or endorsement. Now they have been forced by the immediate backlash to make that an opt-in feature – see the Globe & Mail story "Facebook alters new ad system".
This is the power of technology, immediate access (and feedback) and people expressing themsleves in ways they might not have chosen to do (or it was too much of an effort to write a letter to complain) – a favourite Canadian pastime in action. Now they just create a new Facebook group and hit back right in the backyard of the company they are using.
The power of personal branding at grassroots level – not just for career management or building a business, but making change happen for others and with others.