There could be a number of reasons for wanting to find one of your connections on LinkedIn by location;
- You are looking to relocate to that area and want some help finding a new job or place to live.
- You are going to be in that area for other meetings or a conference and want to make the most of the trip by connecting with others.
- Someone has asked for a referral for a particular skills or service and want someone they can use locally.
It is actually a little harder to do this than you think.
With the new User interface it can be a little convoluted;
For those who prefer to see it a ‘live’ screen share, I recorded a step by step video – click this link to watch it (1 minute view time) – How do I see all of my LinkedIn connections in a given geographic area?
- Go to your LinkedIn account and click on My Network
2. Click on the ‘See all’ link to take you to your network
3. Then click in the Search box on the right-hand side, do not enter anything just hit enter.
4. Then choose your criteria, make sure the 1st Connections box is checked and then choose your location or add in your own one. You can add multiple locations