The chances are that 4 out of 5 of you reading this right now have not made my recommended five changes to your profile that improves your personal brand. If you are on my weekly LinkedIn tips newsletter then the chances are you have, because they are the actions I outlined in my5 Steps to Boosting Your Presence on LinkedIn
If you do not have that report, you can get it by clicking here
Two things that people ask for after they have read the report are;
1. What else should I be doing with my profile?
2. Can you show me what you mean by xxx?
So that got me thinking. How could I best help you understand all the elements you can address with your profile AND let you see it at the same time?
Introducing the B-Linked Profile VIDEO Review. A custom recorded screen recording of your personal profile being reviewed step by step by me. Offering you edits, improvements, additions and deletions based on YOUR LinkedIn goals and needs.
Click here to read all the details of the B-LinkedIn Profile Video Review