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Is Your Marketing Broken? Use the DRAIN Framework to Find What’s Holding You Back

Over the last few months, I have been spending some time with a counsellor to work on several aspects of my life. One of the recommended resources has been the work of Russ Harris. In particular, I have been going through his excellent book on relationships. ACT with love. The DRAIN acronym, in the book, was originally designed to help individuals reflect on relationship dynamics. As I looked at it… Read More »Is Your Marketing Broken? Use the DRAIN Framework to Find What’s Holding You Back

social media algorithm

LinkedIn Algorithm Insights. Up Your Social Media Game

No one can claim to correctly know how a particular social media platform or website algorithm works. Unless they are one of the engineers at the company. But as marketers, we spend a lot of time trying to figure out or game the algorithm. And the engineers spend even more time trying to thwart us. After all, their job is to keep us on their website longer. Our goal is… Read More »LinkedIn Algorithm Insights. Up Your Social Media Game

Are Small Businesses Being Ignored?

Did you know it’s Small Business Week in Canada? This annual event has been supported by BDC (Business Development Bank of Canada) for 45 years. When I was first running my own business 20 years ago this was a big event in the entrepreneur calendar. Now it almost seems an afterthought at best. What’s happened? My guess is that 20 years ago we were very much more focused on ‘traditional… Read More »Are Small Businesses Being Ignored?

You Will Never Have All the Answers

As entrepreneurs and business owners, we often fall into the trap of knowing the answer. After all, we have been thinking about the problem, challenge, or opportunity forever. Of course, we are lying to ourselves. I fell into this trap recently with a new business idea. Until a piece of advice from someone much younger than me. One of my partners daughters suggested running a few small ‘focus groups’ with… Read More »You Will Never Have All the Answers

6 Reasons People Are Not Attending Your Events and Ideas to Get Them To

Events are struggling. Last night I attended a local in-person event and was surprised by the turnout. It was low. Woefully low. A year or so ago that room would have been full. Pre-pandemic I had a client who built a 20+ person event to over 300 in the room. Post pandemic we were falling over ourselves to go to as many in-person events as possible. Now I have clients… Read More »6 Reasons People Are Not Attending Your Events and Ideas to Get Them To

Are you living the right type of reel time?

This past Thanksgiving weekend we had a friend drop by on the Sunday afternoon. It was a little surprising because both their kids were back visiting from school for the weekend and we assumed they would be wanting to spend their time with them. “Oh it’s ok” our friend said “They are taking some reel time.” I assumed I had heard REAL time, but it was REEL time. In other… Read More »Are you living the right type of reel time?

Behaviour is always a better example than a lecture

I have been lecturing myself in my journal for weeks, maybe even months. I must…… I need…. I will…. Finally yesterday I stopped lecturing myself and did something about it. I have always been an early riser. It’s probably in part having my grandparents live with us as we grew up and hearing my Grandad stand outside with the first cigarette of the day taking in the dawn. Old farmer’s… Read More »Behaviour is always a better example than a lecture

personal brand in a soup can

10 Key Points to Consider When Naming Anything – Including Your Personal Brand

Choosing the right name for your personal brand, product, service or even company can be one of the most important decisions you’ll make as an entrepreneur.  Several years ago when I was in a group coaching program we all spent an inordinate amount of time coming up with names for our services, products and websites.  I hate to think how many obscure websites were registered because one of us had… Read More »10 Key Points to Consider When Naming Anything – Including Your Personal Brand

Back to School, Back to You: Refresh Your Personal Brand with These 5 Simple Tips

  Learning about your personal brand should be a constant action, but back to school is an opportune time to take a longer look at how you are managing your personal brand. With kids heading back to school, many parents are feeling a mix of excitement and relief.  But September doesn’t just bring a fresh start for students—it’s a great time for us to reflect on our personal and professional… Read More »Back to School, Back to You: Refresh Your Personal Brand with These 5 Simple Tips