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3 Ways Paid Advertising Can Boost Your Real Estate Business

With a passion for revolutionizing the advertising industry, Ameet Khabra was no stranger to pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Little did she know, her expertise would eventually lead her down an unexpected path – one that would leverage the power of social media platforms and Google search to drive conversions and brand awareness. What will this unexpected twist reveal?

With Pay per Click, we’re able to see how many people have seen your ad, but then also how many people click through and how many people actually converted. So it’s actually much more personally a better way of advertising. – Ameet Khabra

My special guest is Ameet Khabra, a pay-per-click advertising expert, who has built her career around helping entrepreneurs and small business owners navigate the ever-changing world of online advertising.With a keen understanding of how to utilize platforms like Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, Ameet is able to provide valuable insights for businesses looking to build their brand awareness and increase conversions.

Her passion for data-driven decision-making, combined with her vast experience in the field, allows her to create tailored strategies that get results. Ameet is constantly keeping up with the latest trends and developments in the world of online advertising, ensuring her clients stay ahead of the game.

This is Ameet’s story:

Ameet Khabra discovered the world of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising in its early stages, and her fascination grew as she witnessed how this approach revolutionized the advertising industry. Initially, she encountered businesses using lengthy questionnaires on their website forms, hindering potential customers from converting. With a focus on reducing friction, Ameet began to help clients optimize their advertising strategies, honing in on the most effective methods to increase conversions.

In this episode, you will be able to:
  1. Harness the power of pay-per-click advertising to elevate your brand and drive conversions.
  2. Deliberately select advertising channels to match your unique product or service offerings.
  3. Fine-tune your Google PPC campaigns utilizing best practices in keyword research and negative keywords.
  4. Synchronize ad copy, keywords, and landing pages to maximize campaign effectiveness.
  5. Achieve a well-rounded marketing approach by combining PPC advertising with organic SEO techniques.

Introduction to Pay Per Click Advertising

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is a valuable marketing tool that can provide quick results for businesses, particularly for small ventures looking to increase their online visibility.By targeting the right keywords, companies can effectively reach their desired audience and drive traffic to their website. Research and competitor analysis is crucial when determining the most effective keywords to use in a PPC campaign, ultimately leading to a better return on investment (ROI).

Ameet Khabra shares her expertise in PPC advertising and highlights the importance of creating a clear strategy and setting realistic goals when launching a campaign. She emphasizes that while organic SEO plays a crucial role in long-term visibility, PPC advertising can provide more immediate results in the competitive online marketplace. According to Ameet, thorough research and strategic keyword selection are essential components for a successful PPC campaign.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:
  • Consider using pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to target people already interested in your product or service in search engines like Google.
  • Utilize social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for PPC advertising to reach potential customers who may not be actively searching for your product or service.
  • Implement conversion tracking on your website to measure the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns and make data-driven decisions on which ads to run or turn off.
  • Use tools like Hot Jar to analyze user behaviour on your website and identify areas of friction that may be preventing conversions.
  • Experiment with different ad formats, such as paying per impression or per view, to see which method works best for your specific goals and target audience.
  • Track the path users take on your website to better understand their decision-making process and identify commonalities among those who convert.
  • Optimize your website’s content and user experience based on PPC campaign data to improve conversion rates.
  • Monitor the performance of hashtags and keywords in your social media content and adjust your strategy accordingly to stay relevant and maximize engagement.
  • Utilize PPC advertising to increase brand awareness, even if your primary goal is not direct sales or conversions, as this can still contribute to your overall marketing efforts.
  • Continuously test and tweak your PPC campaigns to optimize performance and ensure you’re getting the most value from your advertising budget.

Timestamped summary of this episode:

00:00:01 – Introduction to Pay Per Click Advertising, Ameet Khabra explains what PPC advertising is and its importance in advertising channels. He shares how PPC advertising is different from traditional advertising and highlights the benefits of conversion tracking.

00:04:13 – Types of Pay Per Click Advertising, Ameet Khabra explains the different types of pay per click advertising, such as pay per view, pay per impression, and pay per click. He shares why pay per click advertising is more effective than traditional advertising.

00:07:05 – The Benefits of Pay Per Click Advertising for Real Estate Investors, Ameet Khabra shares how pay per click advertising can benefit real estate investors. He explains how search advertising can target people who are already interested in a specific product, while social media advertising can target people who are starting to search for a product.

00:09:10 – Using Data to Improve Conversion Rates, Ameet Khabra explains how data analysis can help business owners improve their conversion rates. He highlights tools like Hot Jar that can be used to identify friction points on a website and how businesses can use this information to improve their web copy and form design.

00:11:48 – Social Media Advertising vs. Search Advertising, Ameet Khabra shares his thoughts on the difference between social media advertising and search advertising. He believes that social media is still primarily used for personal posts and not necessarily for finding new products or services. However, he notes that Instagram is starting to implement more keyword-focused searches.

00:13:05 – Importance of Hashtags, Hashtags are not dead, and they still play a relevant role in social media. They can increase the visibility of a post and attract potential customers. One example is a cold plunge company that reached out to a client after they used the hashtag #coldplunge in a social media post.

00:14:40 – Choosing Advertising Channels, The selection of the best advertising channel depends on the product or service a business offers. Social media is ideal for visual products that require promotion through Facebook and Instagram. Real estate investors looking for private funding may benefit more from Google Search rather than Facebook or Instagram. Those seeking capital must understand the customers’ perspective and create content that addresses their concerns.

00:16:18 – LinkedIn Advertising, The B2B cycle on LinkedIn can be 100 plus days, so businesses must offer potential customers a checklist, white paper, or webinar to entice them. LinkedIn advertising can be relatively expensive, but smaller brands have found success by creating content that nurtures customer relationships.

00:19:43 – Pay-per-click Campaigns, The success of a pay-per-click campaign depends on having a good keyword list that captures what users are searching for. Negative keywords are equally essential to avoid irrelevant search queries. Ads’ content, including headlines and descriptions, is critical to attracting potential customers, and responsive search ads can generate thousands of variations.

00:22:04 – The Importance of Ad Content, Ad content, including headlines and descriptions, is crucial in attracting potential customers. Google has increased headline and description character limits, giving advertisers more space to work with. However, software is necessary to analyze and test different ad variations to determine which content resonates with the target audience.

00:25:19 – Importance of Quality Score, Quality Score is a score from one to ten that determines whether an ad will be shown or not. Google’s priority is the user, not the advertiser, and a low-quality score means the ad is irrelevant to the search query. The aim is to have a quality score of six or higher to avoid penalties, but sometimes sacrifices are made to get the ads up.

00:27:09 – Bidding Strategies, There are automated and manual bidding strategies for PPC campaigns. Maximizing conversions is an option where Google maximizes conversions for the ad, but it requires at least 30 conversions in 30 days to be effective. Maximizing clicks is an alternative for brands without conversion tracking capabilities.

00:30:24 – PPC vs SEO, PPC is a short-term strategy while SEO is a long-term strategy. PPC ads provide an influx of conversions and website traffic, but SEO pays off years down the road. Brands should invest in both for optimal results.

00:33:59 – Tips for PPC, Research and homework are crucial before launching a PPC campaign. Understanding every component of Google ads, including keywords, ad writing, and landing pages, is necessary for success. All three pieces need to speak the same language to ensure relevance and user engagement.

00:35:39 – Personal Brand Recommendation, Danira is the founder of Stacks Payments and a 35-year-old mother of two and child of two immigrants. She is one of few women to make it to where she is and is on a mission to increase the percentage of women business owners who reach six figures and beyond.

00:37:09 – Tips on PPC Management, Ameet Khabra talks about PPC management and how important it is to focus on the right metrics. He explains how to identify the right keywords and target audience and how to optimize ad campaigns for better results. Ameet also shares his favourite project management tool, Asana, and his go-to quote by Zig Ziglar.

00:37:56 – Company Website and Social Media Profiles, Ameet Khabra shares the website of his company, Hopskit Media, where people can learn more about the services they offer. He also mentions their Instagram account, Adwordsgirl, where they post content related to PPC a few times a week. Ameet encourages listeners to follow them on social media to stay updated on the latest PPC trends.

00:38:14 – AdWords Girl Social Media Platforms, Ameet Khabra talks about the different social media platforms where people can find AdWords Girl. He mentions that they are active on all social media channels, but Instagram is where they post most of their content. He reminds listeners to check the show notes for their social media handles.

00:38:33 – Conclusion and Call to Action, Host Paul Copcutt thanks Ameet Khabra for his insights on PPC management and encourages listeners to take action based on the tips shared in the episode. He reminds them to visit Hopskit Media’s website and check out their social media profiles for more information on PPC.

Download a checklist to help maximize your Google Ads

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