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Cut Through the Noise: 7 Hours of Content to Build Trust

Are you a business owner who is looking for ways to maximize their content marketing strategies?

Look no further – Tyler Basu has done the work for you! Tyler Basu is a successful creator and content marketing expert who has used his experience to create a system for increased sales.

In this week’s podcast episode, Tyler will break down his system step-by-step, from validating content topics to delivering live workshops to developing your business. Learn how Tyler Basu used his system to increase his sales, and how you can too!

About Tyler Basu

Tyler Basu is an expert in content marketing and leveraging longer-form content to build trust with potential buyers. With a background in content marketing, Tyler knows that it takes more than just a few short-form TikTok videos to make an effective high-ticket offer.

He has a wealth of knowledge on how to craft content that resonates with the audience and is specifically tailored to the desired outcome.

He is an advocate for delivering valuable content that helps his audience and from 2016-2019, Tyler worked as the Content Marketing Manager (Employee #12) for Thinkific, helping them to become one of the fastest-growing software companies and leaders in the online education industry.

Today, Tyler provides online training and consulting services to help other startup founders and entrepreneurs create educational workshops and online training to attract and retain more clients for their businesses.

His insights have been featured in dozens of online publications including Entrepreneur, Foundr, Influencive, Sumo, and Funnel Magazine.

Why is it important for business owners to maximize their content marketing strategies?

Content marketing strategies are essential for business owners to be successful. They allow businesses to reach potential customers and build relationships with them. By creating content that is valuable to their target audience, businesses can better engage with their customers and drive sales.

Content marketing also helps businesses build trust with their customers, as well as create a positive image of the company in the marketplace. Maximizing content marketing strategies is key for business owners. By creating content that is optimized for search engine results and targeted to their customers, business owners can ensure that their content reaches the right people.

Additionally, businesses can use content marketing to stay competitive in their industry, as well as keep their customers informed about their products and services. Content marketing can also help businesses boost their website traffic and increase their online visibility. Ultimately, maximizing content marketing strategies can help businesses reach their goals and grow their business.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Validate the topic: Before creating a workshop, validate the demand for it.
  2. Deliver live: Run a live workshop first and get feedback.
  3. Develop content: Create content that helps people accomplish a specific outcome.

1. Validate the topic: Before creating a workshop, validate the demand for it.

Validate the topic Before creating a workshop, it is important to validate the demand for it. This can be done by reaching out to potential customers through an email list, via social media, or even in a Facebook group. Ask them if they would be interested in attending a workshop that helps them accomplish a certain outcome.

If there is a lack of response or interest, it may be a sign that the messaging is off or the topic is not of interest.

If there is interest, then it is worth considering creating the workshop. Another way to validate a workshop topic is to deliver it live first. This allows the creator to get feedback, practice the delivery, and tweak the content as needed. This can also be a great way to convert leads into buyers as it creates an opportunity to build trust and demonstrate expertise.

After delivering the workshop live a few times, the creator can then consider automating the delivery process and scaling up the workshop. This could involve creating a recording of the workshop and offering it for sale or repeating the workshop on a regular basis. Ultimately, it is important to validate the demand for a workshop before investing significant time and resources into creating it. This can be done through a simple survey or by delivering the workshop live and seeing how it is received.

Once the workshop topic has been validated, the next step is to create the content. This involves outlining the topics that need to be covered, preparing the materials, and rehearsing the delivery. It can be helpful to create a step-by-step guide for the workshop to ensure that attendees can follow along.

This should include both written instructions and visual aids. Additionally, to make the workshop more engaging, it is important to include activities and interactive elements. When the content is ready, it is important to practice delivering the workshop. This can be done with friends, family, or colleagues. This will help the creator become familiar with the material and gain confidence in their delivery.

During this process, the creator should also be open to feedback and make changes to the content and delivery as needed. Once the creator is confident with the content and delivery, they can then move on to creating the promotional materials and setting up the logistics for the workshop.

2. Deliver live: Run a live workshop first and get feedback.

Delivering a live workshop is a great way to get feedback and input from those attending and to help build trust with potential customers.

To begin, you should determine the outcome you want your participants to have at the end of the workshop. This will help you create the structure and content of the workshop, and will ensure that every step you take your participants through is necessary and relevant.

You should also consider the length of the workshop, as attention spans will generally tap out after 30-40 minutes. When you are ready to deliver the workshop, you should advertise it to your target audience and promote it online and through other channels.

To ensure a high show-up rate, you can charge a small fee for the workshop. This will also help you qualify your potential customers and encourage a higher conversion rate from attendee to buyer.

Finally, when delivering the workshop, make sure to build in breaks, engage with your participants, and allow for questions. Doing so will ensure that your workshop is not only informative but also interactive and enjoyable.

Once the workshop is complete, it is important to follow up with your attendees. Doing so will help you gain valuable feedback and insights that can be used to improve your workshop in the future. You should also make sure to thank your participants for attending and inquire about their level of satisfaction.

Additionally, providing your participants with resources or a follow-up call can help to increase their engagement with your product or service. Finally, you can use the workshop as a platform to push forward your sales cycle.

Giving participants an incentive or a discount for signing up to your product or service will help to increase conversions and generate more leads. Overall, running a live workshop is an effective way to engage with potential customers and to build trust. With the right structure and content, you can deliver an informative and interactive workshop that will help to increase conversions and generate more leads.

By following up with your participants and offering incentives, you can make sure that your workshop is a success and that your business can benefit from it.

3. Develop content: Create content that helps people accomplish a specific outcome.

Develop content: Developing content to help people accomplish a specific outcome involves understanding the desired outcome and breaking down the necessary steps to get there.

The first step is to identify the main takeaway that you want your audience to walk away with and then break that down into smaller, more manageable steps. When crafting the content, it is important to keep the attention span of your audience in mind.

Try to limit each section to no longer than 30-40 minutes so that your audience does not become overwhelmed with too much information.

Additionally, consider if it would be beneficial to charge for the workshop. Charging, even a small amount, can bring in a different kind of person who is more likely to become a buyer and increase show-up rates.

Lastly, it is important to validate the topic beforehand to ensure that there is a demand for your workshop before investing in the content and resources.

Once you have developed the content, it is important to choose the right platform to host the workshop. Consider whether you want to host the workshop on a webinar platform, in-person, or through a video conference platform.

Depending on the topic, some platforms may be more beneficial than another. For example, if the workshop is a hands-on workshop, an in-person event may be the best option. On the other hand, if the workshop is a more general overview, a webinar or video conference platform may be the best choice.

Additionally, consider the target audience and their access to technology. If the target audience does not have access to the internet or the latest technology, an in-person workshop may be the best option.

Once the platform is chosen, it is important to create an engaging presentation. An engaging presentation includes visuals, a conversational tone, and plenty of opportunities for audience interaction. Additionally, it is important to include a variety of activities to keep the audience engaged, such as polls, Q&A sessions, and breakout sessions.

Lastly, it is important to promote the workshop to ensure that people know about it. Consider using social media, email, and other methods to get the word out. Doing this can help ensure that the workshop is seen by the right people and that it is successful.

Content marketing strategies are essential for business owners to be successful. Maximizing content marketing strategies is key for business owners, as it allows them to reach potential customers, build relationships, and increase sales.

Tyler Basu has developed a system for Increased Sales which involves validating content topics, delivering live workshops, and developing content. By following Tyler’s system, business owners will be able to create content that resonates with their audience and helps them reach their desired outcome.

Don’t wait any longer – start maximizing your content marketing strategies and see your sales increase!

I’d love to hear how you apply The 7-Hour Trust Pyramid to get increased sales. Leave me a comment on how it went for you or drop any questions you want me to answer!


Find out more about Tyler:
Join the Influence And Scale Community, a private Facebook Group for content creators and entrepreneurs that want to learn how to create educational content to attract and retain more clients for their business.

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