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personally brandtastic

Maximizing Your Real Estate Marketing Impact During Uncertain Times

Do you want to increase your visibility and generate more real estate investing business leads? Are you searching for a solution that can help you achieve that desired outcome? Today, I have a guest who will share the key strategies and tactics you need to implement to boost your business’s exposure and attract more potential customers. Get ready to discover the secrets to enhancing your presence and generating a steady… Read More »Maximizing Your Real Estate Marketing Impact During Uncertain Times

Elevate Your Marketing Game: The Role of Storytelling

Nathan Yeung is an accomplished entrepreneur and owns a well-regarded marketing agency. With his extensive experience and expertise, he has become a trusted authority in the real estate industry. He recognizes the significance of storytelling as a powerful marketing tool, especially in real estate. He emphasizes creating emotional connections with potential clients through compelling narratives and sensory experiences. His insights shed light on the role of education and differentiation in… Read More »Elevate Your Marketing Game: The Role of Storytelling

Supercharge Your Productivity: Insider Tips for Working with Virtual Assistants

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and exhausted from constantly juggling a multitude of tasks, only to find that your productivity and business growth are stagnating, then you are not alone! You may have been attempting to do everything yourself, believing that no one else can handle your business as well as you can. However, instead of the desired result of increased efficiency and free time, you find yourself trapped in a… Read More »Supercharge Your Productivity: Insider Tips for Working with Virtual Assistants