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Mothers Day

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Last Sunday was Mothers Day and our family is blessed to have such a wonderful mother, I could not ask for anyone greater as companion, best friend and leading light for my two fantastic children. Probably like many we do not stop enough to appreciate the role our parents and caregivers gave us or say thank you enough. When I am at work I can concentrate on it 100% because… Read More »Mothers Day

Oh Doctor I’m in Trouble…….

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We have moved home recently to a wonderful part of Ontario that gives us access to many of the outside activities that we love. However one of the inconveniences when moving is changing Doctors. It took us over 6 months to finally get an appointment in town with a doctor who was taking new patients. Whilst we were in the waiting room a couple came in with a 4 day… Read More »Oh Doctor I’m in Trouble…….

Are we inclined to wait for all uncertainties to be satisfied?

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"If we wait until we've satisfied all the uncertainties, it may be too late." – Lee Iacocca I know that in the past I have been inclined to wait, or as Chris Barrow the Million Dollar Coach would say, been living in the bullshit funnel.The last month for me has been a revelation as well as a continuation of my 'journey'. I had been working on a Personal Branding certification… Read More »Are we inclined to wait for all uncertainties to be satisfied?

Public Speaking

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"Those who are fired with an enthusiastic idea and who allow it to take hold and dominate their thoughts find that new worlds open up for them. As long as the enthusiasm holds out so will new opportunities" Norman Vincent Peale I have just completed a speaking engagement at a local job fair on the importance of Personal Branding in securing future employment and got both a great turnout and… Read More »Public Speaking

Oh Canada…..Eh???!!!!!

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Its been a while since I updated, still getting my head around what I am doing with this blog and not got in to the habit of posting. Will make a belated resolution to provide more regular postings. Read a great blog last night at, Chris Barrow is both interesting and inspiring – a site and a blog I shall be revisiting for sure. I am now well in… Read More »Oh Canada…..Eh???!!!!!

Christmas and making a living…….

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"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we get" Winston Churchill When it comes to this time of year and you are out and about shopping for those gifts take time to consider those less fortunate who cannot and will not be spending this special time the way that you and I will. Its great to have a good time over Christmas and… Read More »Christmas and making a living…….

Slow down, get happy………

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"Nothing is worth more than this day" Johann Goethe Where is the place to start in a weblog? Here I guess is as good a place as any – I was in a hurry today, trying to rush my 3.5 year old son to school, getting frustrated with his ability to push my wrong buttons on occasion. We had to stop to mail some Christmas cards and he obviously could… Read More »Slow down, get happy………