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3 Must Use Features Inside LinkedIn to Raise Your Personal Brand Visibility

Since the re-launch of its user interface, LinkedIn has been regularly rolling out new features and add on’s to the platform that really helps with increasing engagement and networking, and for LinkedIn’s goal, of keeping users on the platform for longer. Many of these features may not surprise you because you have had the benefit of them on other social networks like Facebook for a while. LinkedIn is often late… Read More »3 Must Use Features Inside LinkedIn to Raise Your Personal Brand Visibility

Why Facebooks Job Feature is Good News for LinkedIn

LinkedIn has constantly suffered from the label and perception that it is a glorified resume bank versus an integrated and engaging network. The intention of the much-criticized new desktop user interface was to increase engagement and use of the platform. However with numerous glitches, ‘deprecated’ features (a term LinkedIn likes to use to explain retired features) and general confusion as to what is where users may be getting turned off,… Read More »Why Facebooks Job Feature is Good News for LinkedIn

Will Today be Trump or Clinton’s Best Day at Work?


By the end of the day, one of the candidates may well be looking back to today as one of their best days at work, at least so far. Of course, the work for the successful President of the United States is only just beginning, some future days maybe best days and some may be the worst, it’s not an easy job for sure. The best and worst seems to be how many of you look at your own jobs and careers.

Presenteeism, time spent at the workplace while not productively engaged in work, is the new absenteeism

The conclusion of a 2015 Canadian study, The True Picture of Workplace Absenteeism, with 1,300 people including just over 1,000 employees, found that 80 percent of respondents self-reported experience with presenteeism. 81 percent indicated that they had gone into work while they could not perform as well as they would have liked.

The reasons for doing so included physical sickness (47 percent), stress or anxiety (40 percent) and workplace issues and/or problems with co-workers or managers (22 percent). Depression was specified as the cause by 15 percent of respondents.

A quick Google search of #BestWorkDay uncovers plenty of top 10 lists on ways to ensure you have your best days at work. The common advice to these problems seems to fall into two camps.

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5 Best Practices For Attracting New Clients By Talking on Social Media, Pay Attention

“Social media is called social for a reason. It lends itself to sharing rather than horn tooting .” Margaret Attwood If you owned a $100 million home would you assume that it could sell itself? This is the premise of this weeks piece in lessons from Tweetstock. As you are reading this we are heading up for what may be a final few summer days by a lake, not in a $100… Read More »5 Best Practices For Attracting New Clients By Talking on Social Media, Pay Attention

5 Insider Secrets to Grow Your Brand Online Fast

This the second in a series of articles I have written based on my recent opportunity to attend the annual Conference, which was being held for the first time in Hamilton. I had never attended one before so was not sure what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised by the caliber of speakers who came from across North America. The wealth of insights and information shared was so rich… Read More »5 Insider Secrets to Grow Your Brand Online Fast

5 Vine Secrets You Wish You Knew One Year Ago

  Communication of your online brand is becoming more and more critical. It is the message replacement for the letter, advertisement, even resume. Whether you end up working on it on a daily basis or not, it is critical that you take control of that message. I recently had the opportunity to attend the annual Conference, which was being held for the first time in Hamilton. I had never attended… Read More »5 Vine Secrets You Wish You Knew One Year Ago

Make More Happen

Many ‘experts’ and ‘gurus’ talk about the fact that we all have the same 24 hours a day. It’s what you do with it that counts and matters. Am I preaching to the converted?   My plan for 2015 is to ‘Make More Happen’ in those 24 hours. But not just anything. Meaningful stuff that matters to you and me. Over the next few weeks and months you will notice a… Read More »Make More Happen

You’ll Only Get My Facebook Password From My Cold Dead Hands!

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This past week a story started circulating that managers were asking for employees or job candidates for their Facebook passwords.  An employment lawyer would answer this better, but I am fairly sure this cannot be allowed (at least in Canada) – unless of course the employee is using their Facebook profile to post company information, offers etc. But why would they? Of course the US Senate has already looked at… Read More »You’ll Only Get My Facebook Password From My Cold Dead Hands!

Winner of todays Globe & Mail election caption competition.

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My entry today won the caption of the day for the Globe & Mail's daily election caption competition. Well worth the visit each day, some very funny comments to bring a smile to any otherwise rather dull affair. You can follow each day by liking their Facebook page.

Don’t assume I do not use e-mail

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Quite often when you are shopping on checkout you are asked for your postcode or some retailers ask for your email address. However at a recent shopping expedition in a childrens clothing store I noticed a big assumption being made that might be a major marketing error. The older gentleman in front of me was obviously buying some clothes for his grandchildren, but on checkout the cashier did not ask… Read More »Don’t assume I do not use e-mail