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Is Sharing a Recommendation Good Personal Branding or Just Bragging?

This article was prompted by a connection who was wondering what else they could be doing with the great recommendations they get on LinkedIn. There was some concern that although this person is a very genuine person and not one for exaggeration they feared it was going to be seen as bragging. It got me thinking. I certainly think from a personal branding perspective recommendations are underutilized and I would… Read More »Is Sharing a Recommendation Good Personal Branding or Just Bragging?

How to Filter Content on LinkedIn by Date and 1st Connections

A few years outgoing Google CEO Eric Schmidt said; “There was 5 exabytes of information created between the dawn of civilization through 2003, but that much information is now created every 2 days, and the pace is increasing.” A number of experts and sources since then have debunked this figure.  But ​the reality is we are inundated with new information every day and it’s only getting noisier.  So how do… Read More »How to Filter Content on LinkedIn by Date and 1st Connections

10 Ways to Market Your Talent Without Feeling Sleazy

  In a conversation with a senior management client recently it was interesting to observe that even with a list of impressive and significant accomplishments they were very reluctant to talk about them, even admit them and certainly not willing to put them down on paper. They are currently working for a large Fortune 500 company where a strong internal profile and personal brand is key to getting the next… Read More »10 Ways to Market Your Talent Without Feeling Sleazy