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Will Today be Trump or Clinton’s Best Day at Work?


By the end of the day, one of the candidates may well be looking back to today as one of their best days at work, at least so far. Of course, the work for the successful President of the United States is only just beginning, some future days maybe best days and some may be the worst, it’s not an easy job for sure. The best and worst seems to be how many of you look at your own jobs and careers.

Presenteeism, time spent at the workplace while not productively engaged in work, is the new absenteeism

The conclusion of a 2015 Canadian study, The True Picture of Workplace Absenteeism, with 1,300 people including just over 1,000 employees, found that 80 percent of respondents self-reported experience with presenteeism. 81 percent indicated that they had gone into work while they could not perform as well as they would have liked.

The reasons for doing so included physical sickness (47 percent), stress or anxiety (40 percent) and workplace issues and/or problems with co-workers or managers (22 percent). Depression was specified as the cause by 15 percent of respondents.

A quick Google search of #BestWorkDay uncovers plenty of top 10 lists on ways to ensure you have your best days at work. The common advice to these problems seems to fall into two camps.

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Lead, Be Free, Find Success at Work


If you feel like a square peg in a round hole at the office, like the person who believes collaboration will lead to more success than competition, like people and passion come before transactions, and that your experience at the office can be different, then keep reading.

I’ve been invited to join an amazing lineup of experts who have come together to share their knowledge and strategies for how work can be done differently – both for you as an individual and for your company.

The Corporate Rebel Series is free interview training series for professionals who want to lead, be free, and find success at work – all at the same time.

It all kicks off tomorrow (June 15th) And guess what? (This is the awesome part!)

It’s free to join. Grab your spot here. 

This training series is for you if…..

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5 Best Practices For Attracting New Clients By Talking on Social Media, Pay Attention

“Social media is called social for a reason. It lends itself to sharing rather than horn tooting .” Margaret Attwood If you owned a $100 million home would you assume that it could sell itself? This is the premise of this weeks piece in lessons from Tweetstock. As you are reading this we are heading up for what may be a final few summer days by a lake, not in a $100… Read More »5 Best Practices For Attracting New Clients By Talking on Social Media, Pay Attention

5 Lessons I Learned From Organizing a TEDx Event

  “Learning never exhausts the mind” – Leonardo Da Vinci Conversations were going on everywhere. People were connecting with new faces, or others they knew but in a new way. They now had something stronger in common. Some were even catching up with people they had not seen in years. The local speakers were in high demand with peoples questions and congratulations.  The energy was electric and contagious.  This was how it… Read More »5 Lessons I Learned From Organizing a TEDx Event

Why Do Women Underestimate Themselves?

As the year unfolds and my focus on women clients increases my reticular activating system (RAS) is kicking in. And the subject of ‘underestimation’ keeps coming up.   I am not sure I am able to answer this. Even Sheryl Sandberg in her book Lean In admits on many occasions that she was ‘guilty’ of this. And that is coming from a woman once voted the 5th most influential woman… Read More »Why Do Women Underestimate Themselves?

What is your true purpose?

My montlhy e-zine went out at the weekend and I received a lot of very humbling and wonderful support and comments. Thank you to everyone who took the time. For those that missed it, here is my 'note'.  I hope that you will indulge me a little and help and support me take a huge step (well actually two!). I am celebrating – and I would like you to join… Read More »What is your true purpose?

Does your style reflect your brand or the companies?

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It is probably right to say that most companies have some sort of unwritten corporate dress code, I can remember back in the 80's that Duracell, then an up and coming company, seemed to attract men who wore white shirts, red ties and blue suits! But how far should a company go in directing dress code to employees? It would appear that the Swiss bankers UBS went a little too far… Read More »Does your style reflect your brand or the companies?

She Inc – Personal Brand Book Review

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She Inc. – A woman's guide to maximising her career potential. © 2008 Kelly Keehn  282 pages. Paperback. 5R Score: 15/30 Main Focus – Career success for women. Five Key Take Aways Financial stability and success are key. Goals are important part of personal branding Routines and positive thinking are must's Work life balance is possible Women can be equally if not more successful in their careers. On a scale… Read More »She Inc – Personal Brand Book Review