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Are You A Personal Brand Creator or Curator?

Producing new content is time-consuming. There is more new content being produced daily than every before. Be useful to those you are trying to reach by being the curator of the valuable content already out there. Raise the profile of your personal brand and manage your career.

How to Unclog Your LinkedIn Newsfeed

Last week I told you that what you see in your newsfeed is determined by the level of interest, interaction, and engagement you show to others in your network and visa-versa. That is why your notifications have been reduced and you are not getting the level of network updates that you did previously. And I shared a quick hack to enable you to customize your news feed a little more.… Read More »How to Unclog Your LinkedIn Newsfeed

Don’t Accept Your New Job Until You Take These 7 Actions

You will likely be lucky to go all the way through your career without making a job move that you later regret. It’s not easy choosing a company or leadership team that fits exactly with the way you think, act and want to operate. Technology is creating new industries, fast growing companies and increased opportunities and responsibilities that can sometimes cloud our judgment. Take Uber for example. A market disruptor… Read More »Don’t Accept Your New Job Until You Take These 7 Actions

8 Easy Steps to Add Visual Media to Your LinkedIn Profile

  When it comes to visually attractive web pages, many website designers will impress upon you the importance of whitespace. The user interface design of your LinkedIn profile now displays a lot of whitespace, the trouble is this is damaging your ability to stand out. That is why the use of visual media in your LinkedIn profile is even more critical now, in the Summary and especially now in the most… Read More »8 Easy Steps to Add Visual Media to Your LinkedIn Profile

Why Facebooks Job Feature is Good News for LinkedIn

LinkedIn has constantly suffered from the label and perception that it is a glorified resume bank versus an integrated and engaging network. The intention of the much-criticized new desktop user interface was to increase engagement and use of the platform. However with numerous glitches, ‘deprecated’ features (a term LinkedIn likes to use to explain retired features) and general confusion as to what is where users may be getting turned off,… Read More »Why Facebooks Job Feature is Good News for LinkedIn

Tell LinkedIn What You Think

Well, do you have it yet? Hopefully (or perhaps not) you now have the new LinkedIn desktop user interface. What are your thoughts? If it’s confusing there is a useful 3-minute starter video that gives you a quick new look overview. There is no ignoring it, the overwhelming response has been negative. Some very negative. [tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”] Of course, we don’t like change, especially if it is an integral part of our… Read More »Tell LinkedIn What You Think

The Rules Still Apply

At age 5, on my first day at school. the headmaster stood up in assembly and proceeded to reel off a number of rules to follow. One of them was not to walk down the grass bank. I wondered why. He never explained. So at the first break, I promptly went out on the school field and started to walk down the grass bank.  A teacher saw me do this… Read More »The Rules Still Apply

3 Profile Updates to do Right Now With the New LinkedIn Interface

The little bundle of joy has arrived! Paul Copcutt and his MacBook Air are ecstatic to welcome LinkedIn Desktop User Interface into their world! Appeared unexpectedly on the 16th February 2017 at 3,37 pm EST Big brother Mobile App is happy to welcome his little sibling. Visit our LinkedIn Profile and watch UI blossom! Well after much waiting and watching the new desktop interface switched over on to my account… Read More »3 Profile Updates to do Right Now With the New LinkedIn Interface

How to Add Personality to Your Personal Brand

“85% of your financial success is due to your personality, ability to communicate, negotiate and lead. Only 15% is dependent on technical skills.” Carnegie Institute of Technology The challenge we are facing is that whether you believe the often misquoted figures that our attention spans are less than goldfish they are plummeting. The average adult can only focus for 20 minutes. And I know having two teenagers in the house… Read More »How to Add Personality to Your Personal Brand

Why Your Personality is Key

Let’s conduct an experiment.LinkedIn’s data that says making online impression takes between 5-10 seconds, and you had to choose the one word that you think best captures your personal brand essence and makes an impact on the next person you meet, what is it?   [tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”] LinkedIn’s data that says making online impression takes between 5-10 seconds [/tweet_box] If you had to choose the one word that you… Read More »Why Your Personality is Key