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What do 11th & 12th Graders Make of Steve Jobs or Bill Gates Personal Brand?

    A short while ago I had the pleasure of presenting at the National Technology Youth Leadership Conference put on by the bioscience students at Queens University for grade 11 and 12 students from across Canada who are interested in pursuing bioscience. The group were an incredibly enthusiastic and engaged bunch and I really enjoyed their energy. Also I was blown away by their ability to very quickly grasp… Read More »What do 11th & 12th Graders Make of Steve Jobs or Bill Gates Personal Brand?

(S)He Blinded You with Poli-Science

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Watching the political drama unfold over the last week in the UK has made me a little homesick. But it also had a number of lessons for personal branding, do these apply to you? Say one thing and then later do another. David Cameron was apparently asked during the campaigning what his favourite joke was. He said "Nick Clegg" – now he has formed a coalition government with the same… Read More »(S)He Blinded You with Poli-Science

Honesty (and consistency) is the best personal brand policy

This week saw a delay in getting the Tuesday Toonies Worth out – my mistake. I was away speaking at a conference the past few days and for some reason could not access my blog to post todays thought. No excuses – I should have checked, even better I should have pre-booked the post and made sure that it was all ready to run before I left for the conference.… Read More »Honesty (and consistency) is the best personal brand policy

I Can See Clearly Now The Cloud is Gone!

Getting clear on your personal brand is about as easy as trying to get a flight out of Western Europe at the moment! And like getting up in the air too soon, jumping in to communicating and publishing your personal brand online could mean that your brand ends up spluttering a little, not performing optimally or at worst causing you to stop all together and come tumbling back down to… Read More »I Can See Clearly Now The Cloud is Gone!

Does your personal brand overflow?

Recently I received a request from someone who attended a speaking event that I did earlier last year. I always offer to help people or answer further questions that they might have on the subject of personal branding. With my past experience in recruitment I also offer to make introductions or share resources, which was what this person was looking for. It took me a matter of a few seconds… Read More »Does your personal brand overflow?

Are you in to group personal branding?

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In the work that I do inside corporations there is an interesting extra that comes with each employee working on their own personal brands. GROUP HUGS! Actually it's more of a figurative group hug! Once the message and benefits of personal branding hits home, you often suddenly see a light come on and the person realises that if you can do this as one person……… What are the possibilities of… Read More »Are you in to group personal branding?

Are you really differentiating yourself?

This past week I spent some time as a mentor with PR students from Humber college at their Personal Brand Camp 2. It was great to experience the enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge as well as the considered and respectful approach that the students displayed. Also last week I contributed to the PriceWaterhouse Coopers Personal Brand Week – an online initiative via Facebook and Twitter to share tips and tools… Read More »Are you really differentiating yourself?

How important is your charisma to your personal brand?

  According to a recent study at MIT perhaps more than we might think in the connected virtual world we live in. They found that it's possible to predict which executives will win a business competition solely on the basis of the social signals they send. Are you someone that prefers to meet people face to face than do all of your dealings by phone and/or virtually? Previously you might… Read More »How important is your charisma to your personal brand?

Is Your Career Like an Apple iPhone, Blackberry or other Smartphone?

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  This blog post originally appeared in mid-year and has just come on a Top 10 Personal Branding Articles of 2009 list compiled by William Arruda over at Reach – so I thought I would post again to serve as a reminder for some actions to take in 2010 – wishing all a happy and successful new year! The new iPhone 3GS recent launch saw two impacts – Apple dropping… Read More »Is Your Career Like an Apple iPhone, Blackberry or other Smartphone?