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Personal – YOU

Do you know what others would say about you. And would you like it?

Knowing how others perceive you can be one of the most important pieces of information that you can gather about your personal brand. Getting feedback from others is something you MUST do on a regular basis, because it helps; You understand if what they say is how you want to be known. Identify areas that you might want to work on to raise your profile. Show others that you are looking to… Read More »Do you know what others would say about you. And would you like it?

Who Else Wants to Discover Their Personal Brand?

The 1st Annual DYPB Have you ever felt ‘lost’ as a leader? Are you trying to forge a corporate career path that makes sense for you? Are you an entrepreneur who is looking to find your voice? Are you a student who wants to make sure you have chosen the right academic path? Then you MUST understand what your Personal Brand is and how to leverage it in your personal,… Read More »Who Else Wants to Discover Their Personal Brand?

This isn’t about me. It’s about YOU.

It starts with YOU. It ends with YOU. Intrigued yet? Branding expert and leading authority on the science of fascination, Sally Hogshead, launched her new book How the World Sees You on July 1 and I am loving what I am reading as it relates to personal branding. To celebrate all of the new insights she’s learned over the past decade of research, she has started Project Fascination, with a goal to show 100,000… Read More »This isn’t about me. It’s about YOU.

8% Gone

Polar vortex’s aside has this month seemed like a whirlwind?  Over 8% of the year has already gone by! It certainly seems that way for me. Since the new beginnings post I have been working at getting in to a routine that addresses my new life format going forward.  With my separation I now have the children 50% of the time, one week on and one week off. That means… Read More »8% Gone

Change Your Viewpoint

I apologise because I cannot remember where I originally found this to attribute it. But it will take just 37 seconds to read and change your thinking. Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room’s only window. The… Read More »Change Your Viewpoint

Do You Have a Personal Brand Day?

“Cry God for Harry, England and St George!” – William Shakespeare, Henry V, Act III   You have no doubt heard of the saying “The cobblers children never have shoes”  In my personal brand coaching and consulting with clients I often recommend that they pick a day that means something to their brand and that they can use to make contact with their network at least once a year.  I usually advise… Read More »Do You Have a Personal Brand Day?