Either as a child or parent, or both, you probably remember the ancient nursery rhyme;
Three men in a tub.
And who do you think they were?
The butcher, the baker,
The candlestick-maker.
They all sailed out to sea,
That was enough to make a man stare.
Perhaps these three men were the leading professionals of their time, many of the well paid and in demand jobs of that time would have been in the making or products.
The in-demand roles have changed over the years, with the leading ones turning to the accredited professions, Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer, etc. The latest LinkedIn Salary Survey of the highest paid jobs seems to bear that out if you add technology to the mix.
Of the top 20 highest paying jobs twelve were Doctor/Medical roles, three were Law/Tax, and three were Engineering/Software related. The remaining two were Marketing focused.
Whether you are in that top 20 or not, the chances are that given the right circumstances you are open to hearing about new opportunities. In fact, a LinkedIn Talent Survey from last year found that 90% of the 33,000 professionals they surveyed confirmed that and 36% of them were actively looking.
That means there is competition out there. That requires you to be on the MOVE with your career development in the following ways;
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