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personal branding

Reinventing Your Brand to Relevance

My Dad was a huge newspaper reader. If we had a blue recycling box back in my childhood, we would have needed at least two just for all the newspapers we used to get each week. The weekends we had 5-7 to read, depending on when the local and free editions arrived! Naturally it became a bit a family trait and tradition. I still struggle with the electronic versions or… Read More »Reinventing Your Brand to Relevance

Bring Your Passions to Work

When you are able to incorporate a passion that you have in to the work you do it makes for a an even more engaging experience. When you run your own business this of course can be a whole lot easier. You decide what you want to.  For the last year or so I have taken up running again and also do the annual climb for cancer in May. This… Read More »Bring Your Passions to Work

The Risks of Climbing to the Top

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When you set out to go mountain climbing, as in business, there are a number of factors that increase your chances of success, but if not can cause a fall.  Knowledge – past experience, having all the right equipment packed, planning your route, practicing the more difficult traverses ahead of time.  Teamwork – having the right team with you, knowing everyones strengths (and weaknesses), understanding you do not have all… Read More »The Risks of Climbing to the Top

Nobody owns your personal brand…….except you.

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 With the current economic climate and on and off again employment prospects, many people are exploring the idea of not going back to the corporate life and embarking on the life of an entreprenuer. There are a myriad of things to consider, not least of all what you are going to do for whom and is there a demand for it?  One area that raises a lot of conversation and… Read More »Nobody owns your personal brand…….except you.

Where does the buck stop when it comes to brand experience?

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Our family has just returned from a relaxing and enjoyable vacation in Jamaica, a country I had never visited before and we were able to experience some really fun and unique moments on the island as well as really just switch off and unwind. Obviously I still had my 'branding hat' on and it was interesting to observe that the staff at our resort were generally not typical of what… Read More »Where does the buck stop when it comes to brand experience?

Using video to communicate your personal brand

One of the concerns about personal branding, especially if someone has built a significant online presence is that how much of it is controlled or even manufactured? People are starting to ask – who can we trust or believe? Enter – VIDEO – it's helping to level the playing field a little. Many times now we are conducting business with people half way around the world who we have never met.… Read More »Using video to communicate your personal brand

Are you really leveraging your strengths?

Never underestimate your strengths. The things that you do so naturally are sometimes ignored. Very often the skills that we use every day that come to us so easily are the ones that we almost take for granted. Because they really are no effort for us we run the risk of not leveraging them as much as we should. Others see those unique skills much more clearly and because they… Read More »Are you really leveraging your strengths?

Welcome to Just My Toonies Worth – 30 seconds or less of personal branding tips, resources and ideas

My approach in life has always been to give, help, inform or support without the expectation of reward – beyond the fact that the person or cause I am helping is hopefully a little wiser or just feels a little better about themselves and their position – it's a core part of my brand. In online forums and other social media I have been signing off 'Just My Toonies Worth" for… Read More »Welcome to Just My Toonies Worth – 30 seconds or less of personal branding tips, resources and ideas